How to copy onedrive files to another onedrive files

To off-board office 365 users so that run termination process, we  consider which data should store and how to do it.

Today let me share how to copy someone who will terminate their onedrive for business folder’s data to specific user’s office 365 onedrive folders. [I did referenced it by this link from technet.]

If we copy and paste and run code in the powershell ise, we will get error like below.

Then you can also get error like below.

So you can’t run it smoothly as you want, but if you want to run it smoothly, please go to powershell gallery, then you can change cmdlets to “Reslove-PnPFolder” instead of “Ensure-PnPFolder”, then it works well.

And you need to know before run script, there are some limitations when the file size exceeds 250MB, it should move files as manually.

I will upload full code to specific location when I find adequate repository.

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Jaap Wesselius

Microsoft UC Specialist

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